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Updated: May 27, 2024 Advice

4 Things I know about … Driving consumer goods sales

In 2023, retail sales increased 5.6%. Retail and e-commerce have changed a lot in the last five years, but companies have plenty of opporunities to gain market share.

A woman with dark hair wears a light blue jacket and white shirt.
Brittany Wong is CEO of Worcester marketing firm Jade. Reach her at

4) Planning and consistency - Tactics should include pre-planned key messages for each month, correlated to your business goals. Valentine’s Day in your February marketing and March Madness in your March plan should be pre-planned. Having said that, it is important to be ready to jump on trends in real time.

3) Social media marketing - First, produce a monthly social media content calendar aligning with your overarching marketing strategy. Second, run social media ads toward your targeted audience. Third, partner with micro-influencers to produce content, which will create unique content and spread your brand’s reach. Fourth, focus on organic growth and community engagement to build an authenticity. Lastly, monitor the reporting and determine what can be improved.

2) Website marketing - Your website is a place to deepen your connection with customers and encourage them to opt-in to marketing emails. Offering a discount incentive as a pop-up will persuade customers to opt in. The website should be refreshed monthly for key campaigns. For Valentine’s Day, for example, are there any couples-based gifts you can feature? Consider creating website assets, including banners and curated collections.

1) Email marketing & text messages - Developing an email list of prospective and current customers will allow you to market sales, product releases, and more. We find abandoned cart campaigns and lost customer campaigns to be effective in driving sales. The better the segmentation you can get, the more targeted you can make your campaigns.

Although there are many options in regard to what you can do for your marketing as a consumer goods brand, the most essential in 2024 is the brand's social media, website, and email/text marketing. We’ve rolled these tactics and have seen marked, measurable results. Remember, consistency is key. You want people to recognize your brand at every touchpoint.

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