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July 24, 2020

As coronavirus case numbers stay low, Worcester County death toll rose to 974 in past week

Photo | Grant Welker Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester

Worcester County had a reported 234 new coronavirus cases and six fatalities between July 17 and Thursday, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

The new cases in Worcester County increase the total to 12,972 since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Across Massachusetts, confirmed and probable cases increased by 2,066 between July 17 and Thursday, bringing the total to more than 115,000 since the pandemic began. Of those, there were 1,412 confirmed, and 654 probable cases recorded.

The new fatalities in Worcester County in the past week increase the total to 974 to date. Statewide, there were 102 new confirmed coronavirus deaths, adding to the 8,265 total. Notably, on Monday, there was only one confirmed coronavirus fatality.

Image | WBJ Source: Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Note: The county's total was revised downward by four on June 30.

The City of Worcester reported 63 new cases in the past week, with 5,414 overall since the pandemic's start. The next coronavirus update will be made on Thursday.

The latest data shows that case numbers have remained low as the economy has slowly reopened, first with outdoor dining and now with indoor dining and shopping. The state requires patrons to wear masks, or to do so any time they're in public and can't maintain social distancing.

Hospitals in Central Massachusetts have been reporting far lower case numbers.

UMass Memorial Health Care and Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester reported a total of 11 cases and three in intensive care. The hospitals have had 350 coronavirus deaths to date, and 374 employees have tested positive for the virus.

Image | WBJ Source: City of Worcester
Note: The city retroactively added cases on June 4.
Image | WBJ Source: Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Note: The state began adding probably cases and deaths to confirmed ones beginning June 1.

MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham and Natick reported six inpatients and one in intensive care, and Milford Regional Medical Center reported three inpatients and one in the ICU. UMass Memorial HealthAlliance in Leominster reported three suspected and confirmed cases and two in intensive care.

DPH reported 16,133 new coronavirus tests administered on Thursday.

Nationally, there have been more than 4 million recorded coronavirus cases, and 144,242 fatalities, according to Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. Globally, there have been 15.4 million cases and 631,926 deaths.

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