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May 16, 2014

Central Mass. at center of new pyramid scheme charges

A global marketing company and three individuals with ties to Central Massachusetts are being accused of running a pyramid scheme that allegedly defrauded Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking residents of the state.

Secretary of State William Galvin has filed a complaint against Wings Network, alleging that they collected more than $12.5 million from nearly 9,000 Bay State residents.

According to the 34-page complaint, Wings Network offers for sale a product involving “technologically advanced and innovative marketing platforms” that allow customers to download electronic content for a fee. But the product, the complaint alleges, is designed to recruit other investors to become participants in the network by buying a “starter package.”

“The opportunity can only be realized if the prospective investors make mandatory payments for a starter package and pay a membership fee,” the complaint states.

Also named in the complaint were two companies with operations in Marlborough, and three individuals. The complaint lists them as follows:

  • Success Wealth101, located on Prospect Street in Marlborough;
  • Grupo Internacional, located in East Main Street in Marlborough;
  • Vinicius Aguiar, a Marlborough resident who worked out of the Grupo Internacional office and who was listed as a director of Wings Network as of February; and
  • Geovani Bento and Priscila Bento, Brazilian nationals who are residents of both Marlborough and Auburn. The complaint alleges that the Bentos were the chief operators behind the alleged scheme. The complaint also alleges that they are not permitted to work in the United States.

This latest complaint comes about a month after another Marlborough firm, TelexFREE, was accused by state and federal authorities of running a pyramid scheme that targeted people of similar ethnic backgrounds.

On its website,, the company posted a note for visitors that said Wings Network is “fully cooperating” with Massachusetts authorities, “presenting all the requested and comprehensive information.”

It added that the company is “fully committed to operating legally in (the United States) and is itself conducting its own internal investigation in a proactive effort to ensure full (compliance) with all state and federal laws.”

An email request for comment from Wings Network, which is based in Portugal, was not answered immediately Friday morning.

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