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January 3, 2014

Opposing sides gird for jobless insurance debate

An employer group and advocates for employees are staking out ground ahead of an anticipated debate on making changes to the unemployment insurance program.

John Regan, executive vice president of Associated Industries of Massachusetts, wrote in a blog post Thursday that without action by the Legislature to freeze the unemployment insurance rate, unemployment taxes that business have to pay by the end of the first quarter will rise 33 percent.

For the past several years, lawmakers have frozen increases in the unemployment insurance rate, and Regan said the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund showed a balance of $800 million in November.

Meanwhile, activists who are well on their way toward placing a proposed increase in the minimum wage and mandated earned sick time for employees on the November ballot, are mobilizing to lobby lawmakers against reducing benefits for the unemployed.

"We urge you to oppose any legislation that cuts unemployment insurance benefits or eligibility even if it includes other positive parts like raising the minimum wage," wrote Raise Up Massachusetts leaders Lew Finfer and Deb Fastino in a Dec. 19 letter to lawmakers.

House Speaker Robert DeLeo has said he wants to link unemployment insurance system changes to an increase in the minimum wage.

Congressional lawmakers allowed the federal extension on unemployment benefits to expire when they passed a compromise spending bill toward the end of 2013, meaning that Bay State residents who lose their jobs in 2014 will only be eligible for the state's 30 weeks of coverage, less than half the 63 weeks that the federal unemployment extension had grown to since it was implemented in 2008.

In November, the state Senate passed a bill that would boost the minimum wage to $11 per hour by 2016. Raise Up Massachusetts and other activists have gathered enough signatures to earn a hearing on proposed legislation that would boost the minimum wage to $10.50. The minimum wage is currently $8 per hour. Senate leaders plan to tackle unemployment insurance system changes in a separate bill.

Regan wrote that reforms to the "antiquated and expensive" system of unemployment insurance in Massachusetts are "in doubt," and urged employers to call on lawmakers to once again freeze the unemployment insurance  rate increase and make changes to the duration of benefits and qualifications for an individual to receive benefits that would reduce the burden on businesses.

"Reforming the (unemployment insurance) system so that Massachusetts provides six months of standard benefits instead of seven and employees are required to demonstrate a longer attachment to the workforce to qualify for benefits appears, once again, to be too difficult for Beacon Hill," Regan wrote.

The activists seeking to raise the minimum wage and block any reduction in unemployment benefits could have a second chance on the November ballot to see their initiatives pass, giving them greater freedom to oppose hitching unemployment reforms to the bill.

"If the only legislative path to achieving an increase in the minimum wage is tied to cutting unemployment benefits, we urge you to oppose it and let the voters decide," Finfer and Fastino wrote.

The now perennial legislation to freeze unemployment insurance rates has become a less controversial issue in recent years, with lawmakers eager to ease business costs in hopes of creating jobs.

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