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October 19, 2011

Solar-Related Jobs Grow In Mass.

Massachusetts ranks 10th in the United States in solar-related jobs, with approximately three times as many jobs as there were a year ago, according to Environment Massachusetts, a citizen-based environmental advocacy group.

The group says the data comes from an annual report by The Solar Foundation, a nonprofit solar education and research association, which quantifies current employment and projected growth of the solar workforce in the country. The report says nearly half of solar employers plan to increase their workforces in the next year, while only 2 percent expect to cut their staffs.

As of August 2011, the report found that in Massachusetts:

  • There are an estimated 2,395 people in Massachusetts employed in the solar industry;

  • There are 410 establishments in the state that employ solar workers;

  • There are more than 100,000 solar workers across the country at more than 17,000 different locations; and

  • The solar industry is expected to continue rapid growth over the next year, increasing solar workers by almost 24 percent, or by approximately 24,000 jobs in 2012.

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