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February 29, 2016 10 Things

10 Things I Know About... Getting the most out of business events

10) Decide what kind of networker you are. Be honest with yourself about what type of networking you like and excel at, such as structured (referral groups) or informal (business after hours). Choose events that fit your mold.

9) Set your expectations. If it's not readily available, contact the event organizer and ask about the agenda, who else is attending, the goal of the event is and if it would be a good fit for you.

8) Make personal goals. Go into the event with a reasonable, tangible plan and stay on task, especially at informal networking events. Planning to meet as many people as possible will leave you with unmet expectations and feeling like you've wasted your time.

7) Make several 30-second commercials. You have a short window to tell someone about what you do. Make a quick commercial about you, your business and who would be a good client. Have a few on hand to use in various situations.

6) Practice, practice, practice. Practice your 30-second commercials frequently, especially right before an event. Knowing exactly what you are going to say and tweaking any tough wording will help you say it smoothly and confidently.

5) Eat before you go. You don't want to go into an event hungry because you're not doing your best networking while thinking about the spanakopita at the next table. This will minimize chances of spilling on yourself or having an errant crumb on your face.

4) Check your face. You have seven seconds to make a great first impression. Smooth your hair and look for anything in your teeth. You want to be remembered for your confidence, not the snack you just had.

3) Let them talk. You said your commercial, now let your partner talk. It may not be all business, but getting to know them better will help you decide if this person would be a good client or if they're better as a referral source.

2) Keep on task. Remind yourself of your personal goals for the event. Keep moving and don't get hung up on people you've met several times or your friend that you can have lunch with next week.

1) Follow up. Keep connected by sending a short email or phone call, even just to say “Nice to meet you!” Not everyone is a client, but people do business with people they like and trust. Staying on someone's radar helps capture referrals, and business will come your way! n

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