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June 10, 2012


It can be tough being a new kid on the block in a new job. And the adjustment period may be even longer for career changers who have ventured into brand new fields. After the elation of being hired wears off, you have to acclimate to a new position, new office and new co-workers. The company culture, communication dynamics and defined roles may seem muddy at first. Here are three ways to shine and make your value crystal clear in your new role.

Step up right away. Take on a project or responsibility no one else seems to want to do. Ideally, make it an endeavor you know you can excel at, whether it’s planning the annual golf outing, or esearching new software. “(It’s) a way to showcase your ability to take on responsibility, and earn gratitude and recognition from your boss,” said Annie Stevens of Boston-based outplacement firm ClearRock in an article on the company’s website.

Start before you officially start. In the weeks before your first day, find time to check in with your new boss. Find out what he or she would like you to take on in your first day, first week and first month. That way, says Ben Hicks in an article by Meridith Levinson at, you can get a head start on these tasks. "A boss will be more forgiving of someone if they feel that person is making an effort, trying to integrate themselves (with the team) and learn," he said. You also may need to do some research on these tasks that can help you get an edge in advance, Hicks said.

Ask for help. It’s up to you to reach out, says Blake Turnsby in an article at “You will likely be surprised at how willing your co-workers/peers are to help you adjust at your new work environment,” he writes. Especially since everyone was the new hire at one time or another. n

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