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June 7, 2023

Abby’s House names new executive director

A photo of Julie Orozco PHOTO | Courtesy of Abby's House Incoming Abby's House executive director Julie Orozco

Julie Orozco has been named executive director at the Abby Kelley Foster House. She is the first person of color to lead the organization.

Orozco will replace Stephanie Page, who announced in February she would leave the role after leading the nonprofit for nine years.

Worcester-based nonprofit Abby’s House provides services for women with and without children, including shelter and affordable housing. The organization works in advocacy and provides educational resources and community support.

Orozco will begin her tenure at the organization on June 26, according to a Wednesday announcement from Abby’s House. She is a licensed clinical social worker. She earned her bachelor’s degree from now-closed Atlantic Union College in Lancaster and her master’s degree from the University of Connecticut. 

Orozco was most recently vice president of behavioral health at New York-based ConcertoCare. She previously served as vice president of recovery environments and supports at Community Healthlink in Worcester.

“Julie possesses the skills and background needed to support our launch of the construction of our shelter renovation, deepen our diversity, equity, and anti-racism efforts, embrace Abby’s trauma informed care approach, and design and implement an Integrated Care approach to our services,” wrote Abby’s House board of directors in the announcement.

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