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April 11, 2016 Know How

Don’t worry… be happy – the dangers of the uneducated end user

If you have anti-virus and anti-malware, the last thing you need to worry about is a virus infecting your computer, right? Allow me to burst your bubble.

Hackers don't sit at home thinking they can't get around the latest virus and anti-virus protection and give up. No, hackers have morphed into extremely sophisticated and clever criminals that continue to create new ways to trick you. They make a fortune by stealing your information. So while you have the latest anti-virus protection, they are already figuring out ways to trick you into inviting new viruses and malware into your system.

Although several nasty threats exist and more are being created by the day, two specific threats have become widespread problems in the business world: ransomware and spear phishing. By staying educated on these technological scourges, you should be able to identify and avoid them.

Ransomware is just as it sounds: a virus (one of the most common lately is Cryptolocker) that infects a system through an unsuspecting user clicking on an attachment will start looking for data to encrypt. Once it does, that data can only be unencrypted with a private key, held by the hacker who holds that information ransom. Typically the hacker will request the ransom payment in bitcoins (a form of cybercurrency), and because the payments are usually a relatively small amount, it tends to be easier to pay the ransom than restore all the files from backup. Very clever!

Spear phishing is a new twist on an old trick. A phishing email tends to ask questions that seem okay to answer, or tries to entice you into clicking on an attachment because it says it includes information about a tax refund or package tracking. Spear phishing is a technique where the email appears to come from someone you know, usually in an authoritative position, telling you to transfer funds or click on an attachment. To the recipient of the email, the email looks legitimate. However, the email is actually coming from criminals using a technique to capture the boss's email and then, for example, request that tens of thousands of dollars be transferred to fictitious bank accounts. Once that money is transferred, it is almost always gone.

Unfortunately, there is no magic anti-virus protection that can cover all dangers. The best protection a business can seek is through education, supported by awareness, training and policies. End users need to be aware that even the most harmless-seeming email, website, Facebook post or article can contain a virus or malware. Be careful! Read what it is you want to click on. Usually, there is something that seems out of place. The grammar is a little off; you were not expecting a tax refund; or you haven't ordered anything that you need to track. With awareness, training and effective policies, something in a hacker's attempt will usually jump out at you. That is how to prevent these nasty viruses and malwares from locking up your systems and costing you thousands of dollars in downtime and ransom money.

Konrad Martin is co-founder and principal of Tech Advisors (, a leading technology solution provider for small to mid-size businesses in Medfield. He can be reached at or 508-505-4696.

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