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June 18, 2013

Mass. Gets 'C' Grade For Manufacturing

Despite being a key part of the state economy, manufacturing is hindered by "a difficult tax climate," according to an analysis from Ball State University in Indiana.

The 2013 Manufacturing and Logistics Report Card produced by the school's Center for Business and Economic Research, gave Massachusetts a C in manufacturing and a D in logistics. Results were less than favorable in other categories as well, such as tax climate and sector diversification, both of which received 'D' grades. Tax climate is determined by looking at individual income, sales, unemployment insurance, and property taxes.

Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire are among the most attractive New England states for manufacturing, the study found, grading them both with a B. Maine got a C, while Rhode Island received a D.

"Within New England, the states of New Hampshire and Maine have become very attractive to manufacturing expansion," said CBER Director Michael Hicks. "Massachusetts continues to lure manufacturers attracted to the high-technology opportunities of their university research and development."

Among the states with the highest marks for manufacturing were Indiana, Iowa, South Carolina, Michigan, Oregon, Wisconsin and Ohio, each of which received an A.

The Bay State got more favorable marks for human capital (B-) and productivity and innovation (A).

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