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February 4, 2013

Patrick Budget Just A Starting Point


A new legislative session on Beacon Hill has begun and with it a full-court press to come up with a balanced and on-time budget. Gov. Patrick, the first to put forth a spending plan, set an ambitious tone when he released his budget for fiscal year 2014. The plan confirms his pledge to increase the income tax and cut the sales tax, but new tax proposals are just a few changes we could see in the next fiscal year. His budget includes aggressive spending proposals in education and infrastructure and we can say for certain that these changes, should they go into effect, will affect every taxpayer.

There's a shared notion that the governor has “thrown long” here, but we're mindful that this is just a starting point. With one spending proposal in place, citizens will now await the release of the budget proposals from the House and Senate. At this point, it's all on the table: there's a constitutional balance in place here and the legislative branches will provide a thorough vetting process to ensure the final plan puts us in a position to rise to future fiscal challenges.

As we begin this process, we will hear the input from the public, state agencies and advocates to try to determine what ideas work and what ideas don't work. We will not discredit any input.

Throughout my career, I have played a role in decisions to raise taxes and to cut taxes, voting for some and opposing others. The decision is never made without a plethora of thought and discussion, and it's never easy. Massachusetts has weathered the recent recession better than most states, but a fragile economy remains. The uncertainty in the federal government reminds us that we have been fortunate to see modest growth and that we cannot take our gains for granted. It is with a level of cautious optimism that we move forward to plan for fiscal year 2014 (which begins July 1).

A commitment to fiscal conservancy has led to an upgrade in the commonwealth's bond rating and a reserve fund balance that is tops in the nation. Throughout the upcoming budget process, our commitment to the development of an effective spending plan will not falter. The Legislature will remain committed to the residents of Massachusetts. Before making any changes, we will look at keeping the affordability of those changes manageable for the state and its residents. We will not forget that the companies that do business in Massachusetts are the lifeline to a rebounding economy. Preserving the commonwealth's equity to other states relative to taxes and benefits, and ensuring that Massachusetts is still a competitive location in which to do business, will be a priority.

Recognizing that targeted investments in education and infrastructure are goals that will have a lasting benefit for all residents and businesses, we will seek a balance of revenue and spending in the upcoming months that will allow us to achieve these shared goals.

Stephen M. Brewer of Barre represents the Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire & Franklin District in the Massachusetts Senate.

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