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March 23, 2016

Polar's early April Fools' joke

A new unicorn logo is actually an April Fools' joke promoting a limited edition flavor from Polar Beverages.

A new flavor of Polar Seltzer, touting the mystical origins of the 130-year-old Worcester company as its iconic logo undergoes a rebranding, is an April Fools’ joke come a bit early.

The candy-sweet seltzer flavor -- called Unicorn Kisses -- appeared on select store shelves this month, and left people wondering what claims of a new logo coming from the company meant. That question has been answered, as the one-liter bottle that sports Polar’s iconic bear logo with a unicorn horn is a limited edition flavor that the company decided to have fun promoting, according to an interview the company’s marketing coordinator gave to ABCNews. The company releases two such limited editions a year and wanted to have fun promoting this flavor, according to the interview.

To extend the fun of this limited run, the company issued a press release saying it was pivoting the brand and finally revealing that the brand’s recipe for seltzer stems from a unicorn that founder Dennis Crowley met on top of Wachusett Mountain.

“We have been making our seltzer since 1882, and we felt it was time to get back to truth,” a statement attributed to the company’s mascot Orson the bear stated in the release.

The bottle is available in select locations and the company is encouraging anyone coming across a bottle to take a selfie and tag #PolarSeltzerUnicorn on social media.

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