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March 5, 2012

WBJ Talk Back from the April 17, 2012 issue


When he addressed the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce last month, state Transportation Secretary Richard Davey said the state remains committed to adding passenger rail cars to Union Station in Worcester, despite a $5.5 billion debt at the MBTA that's forcing service cutbacks and fee hikes. One online reader argued for cuts in service:

I would much rather see a reduction in weekend or late-night service. The majority of folks riding the train are workweek commuters. The express trains are packed to capacity. Let's keep folks off the roads and on the trains. If you hike fares, driving in and parking is going to look much more attractive.

Online Reader Lisa B

And when we addressed this issue on our LinkedIn page:

If gas prices continue to go up, the T will expand services, not cut them to meet the increase in demand. Fare hikes will seem like a bargain, should gas prices go

to $4 to $5 a gallon.

LinkedIn Group Member Robert Walsh


A recent report of a 4.3-percent increase in January home sales across the United States drew this reaction on our LinkedIn page:

Will this be enough incentive to get home buyers off the fence? Time will tell.

LinkedIn Group Member Diane Luong

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