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October 29, 2012

WBJ Talk Back: Lessons From A123, Secure Financial Data, More Commuter Trains


A123 Systems recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and agreed to sell its automotive operations to Johnson Controls for $125 million. A123 had received $249 million in federal stimulus money and earlier this year agreed to a $465-million cash infusion from a Chinese firm, Wanxiang Group.

I think it's unfortunate that we don't have a better handle on working with these small companies to ensure they succeed. This company … (is) working on important technologies that we are sub-contracting, and now selling to Chinese companies. I'm sure as a part of providing public funding that they applied for or received there is supposed to be some oversight. If not, there ought to be …

-- LinkedIn group member Joe Smith


Our recent web poll on the security of bank and financial data drew this comment in a LinkedIn discussion:

Given that I have had my bank debit card compromised twice - through no fault of my own, I don't have much confidence.

-- LinkedIn group member Barbara Guertin


The expanded service on the Worcester commuter rail line begins today, but one reader believes more trains are needed during peak commuting hours.

While it's great that the MBCR has added more trains to the Worcester-Framingham-Boston line, the real need remains unfulfilled: More trains at times when commuters really need them: Rush hour.

-- Online reader bradhodson

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Read more

WBJ Talk Back: Minimum Wage, Tornadoes' Troubles, Networking Benefits

WBJ Talk Back: E.L. Harvey Fine, Bad Jobs, STEM Education

WBJ Talk Back: Importance Of Small Businesses, Pitching To Investors, Manufacturing In Mass.

WBJ Talk Back: Worcester Airport Activity, Sandy's Aftermath

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