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December 9, 2013

WRTA Launches Westborough Shuttle Service

Local transportation and planning leaders celebrated the official launch of the new Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) business shuttle service in Westborough with a ribbon cutting ceremony at the MBTA station on Smith Parkway and Fisher Street Monday morning.

The shuttle service, which will provide 13 round trips on 11 passenger vans throughout Westborough on weekdays, was planned by town officials, the Westborough Economic Development Committee, and WRTA, according to a statement.

The service will provide access from the commuter rail to the town’s major destinations and intersections, including the Computer Drive/Research Drive Office Park; the Route 30 McDonalds, Westborough High School; BayState Commons apartments; the Westborough Senior Center and the Westborough Public Library.

“The new Westborough Shuttle is a perfect example of the connection between solid transportation services and a strong economy,” Massachusetts Department of Transportation Secretary Richard A. Davey said in a statement. “This service will expand access to public transportation and make a positive difference for regional commuters and businesses.”

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