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June 18, 2013

Monster Survey: Health Care Jobs Outlook Optimistic

A new survey by Maynard-based has found that health care workers are among the most optimistic about job prospects and third behind engineers and finance employees in job satisfaction.

According to the survey, 81 percent of health care workers are confident about finding a job within the next 12 months and 34 percent of respondents said there are more related job openings now than there were a year ago.

Monster also said 190 medical or health care-related jobs are viewed on its website every minute and the top three occupations in demand by number of available jobs within the industry are registered nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists.

Despite the positive outlook on new jobs, survey respondents aren't so optimistic about pay, with only 20 percent saying they believe their employers are willing to increase compensation over last year. Meanwhile, 45 percent said their employers are willing to provide the necessary time and training for a job function.

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