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July 26, 2013

State Announces Workforce Grants In Health Care

The Patrick administration is accepting applications from health care organizations for workforce retention and training grants.

The money will come from a fund that was formed after last year’s passage of the state’s health care cost-containment law. The grants range in size from $15,000 to $50,000, and applications will be accepted now through June 1, 2014 and will be done in phases. The first deadline is Oct. 1 for an initial allotment of $1 million.

“As Massachusetts continues to be a national leader in providing high quality and affordable health care for our residents, we need to ensure the workforce within the health care industry remains top notch,” said Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Joanne F. Goldstein. “We encourage health care organizations to pursue these grants to plan how to train and retain current employees, prepare new employees entering the workforce and better inform the workforce of evolving and emerging technologies that will strengthen the delivery and quality of care for all patients.”

The fund’s goals include: supporting the development and implementation of programs to enhance health care worker retention rates; addressing critical health care workforce shortages; improving employment in the health care industry for low-income individuals and low-wage workers; providing training, educational or career ladder services for employed or unemployed health care workers; providing training or educational services for health care workers in emerging fields of care delivery models; and funding rural heath rotation programs, clerkships and health care training for students at medical and nursing schools.

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