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August 20, 2013

Worcester Chamber Hires Firm For Biz Recruitment

In its latest effort to grow economic development in the area, the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce announced that it has hired a firm to help strategize how to expand the economic base.

The chamber said it has hired Anderson Strategic Advisors LLC, whose president, April Anderson Lamoureux, has held economic development positions within the Romney and Patrick administrations.

Anderson outlined objectives for her work with the chamber as the following:

• To collect and analyze workforce and business data to fully understand the value proposition of the region, and to identify the business sectors offering the greatest potential for growth;

• To identify the primary factors influencing locational decision-making for the growth sectors; and

• To analyze the "business friendliness" of the region and develop a catalog of the resources available to assist communities in the region to meet the needs of businesses.

 According to the chamber, the plan will include recommendations about growth sectors and how to support industries that are expanding in the region as well as those that require more support. Anderson Lamoureux will also develop a marketing program and visit companies that could benefit by relocating to the area.

 “The timeline for this effort is aggressive,” said chamber President and CEO Tim Murray. “We are confident that Anderson Strategic Advisors can provide the data and recommendations that will set this effort in full motion by late summer to early fall. We have been charged with attracting businesses and investment to Worcester and the region and we intend to do just that.”

 This initiative was developed following a recommendation by the Economic Development Coordinating Council and a request from the chamber’s membership through a survey that asked the chamber to actively recruit new businesses to the region.

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