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  • Shop Talk
    Shop Talk

    Q&A With Todd Breighner, CEO Of The Worcester Tornadoes

    In the U.S., not many may have realized that Worcester has a baseball team. Until April, that is, when the Worcester Tornadoes signed former American League Most Valuable Player Jose Canseco to a contract.

  • Cultivating Growth Through Training Grants

    When Greg Sexton took over MCS Laser Services in Westford five years ago, he introduced something new to the company — employee training.

  • Photo Finish
    Photo Finish

    Photo Finish

    Southbridge-based Savers Bank donated $1,000 to Apple Tree Arts in Grafton, to support music and theater programming on the Grafton Common. Would you like to see your face on the PhotoFinish page?

  • Incorporations


    These Central Massachusetts businesses filed incorporation papers with the Massachusetts Secretary of State's Office from April 1-15, 2012. Listed below are the corporate name, address, ZIP and president.ASHLAND

  • Advice

    Doing Social Media Right

    Erin Howard Special To The Worcester Business Journal

    With the proliferation of sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, many businesses are jumping into social media to increase sales. Social media is a great marketing tool, but when done ineffectively, it can be a waste of time and money.

  • The Rainmaker
    The Rainmaker

    THE RAINMAKER: So Much To Do, But What Should You Tackle First?

    Ken Cook

    It seems that every day within companies, there are decisions made about what to do and what not to do. Too frequently, the criteria for these decisions are determined in the moment.

  • Briefing

    Briefing: MBTA Bailout

    The Legislature has decided to help the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) close its deficit by forking over the state's $51 million in surplus revenues from the motor vehicle inspection trust fund.

  • Page One Story
    Page One Story

    Untapped Potential: 5 Central Mass. Business
 Properties That Need Developers

    As Central Massachusetts communities rebound from a recession that brought foreclosures, bankruptcies and budget cuts, they're looking ahead and working to bring in business.

  • Page One Story
    Page One Story

    Summer Brings Life To ‘Restaurant Row’

    With more than 40 restaurants on Shrewsbury Street's Restaurant Row, the Worcester strip has evolved over the past decade into a place where proprietors want to be, knowing it's a good bet the crowds will come.

  • Focus On Central Mass. 100
    Focus On Central Mass. 100

    The Central Mass. 100 For 2012

    Meet the 2012 Central Mass. 100, the region's most complete picture of the companies and leaders that drive its economy.

  • Editorial

    An Expanded Bottle Law In Mass.? Can That Thought

    Does Massachusetts really need an expanded bottle law?It's a question that's been asked several times before, and the business sector — as it has before — is offering the same answer: No, and a resounding no at that.

  • Advice

    10 Things I Know About... Fostering Great Ideas

    Christine Tieri Special To The Worcester Business Journal

    10. Cross pollinate.When it comes to generating ideas, include people from all disciplines. Collaboration is key; always remember that everyone has something to contribute.

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Today's Poll

Should the U.S. government ban federal funding and American cooperation with WuXi Biologics and other biotech companies who allegedly have close ties to foreign adversaries?
Poll Description

The BIOSECURE Act, a bipartisan piece of federal legislation under consideration by Congress, would cut off federal funding for biotech companies with close ties to governments considered to be foreign adversaries, including China. The legislation would require American companies to terminate any outsourcing agreements or equipment contracts with foreign companies deemed to be security risks.

Supporters of the legislation in Congress argue that biotech companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party or military pose a national security risk, expressing concern about foreign adversaries having the potential to disrupt supply chains or have access to Americans’ genetic data. Some in the life science industry have expressed concerns about the potential disruptful impact of this legislation.  

The House bill currently has ten co-sponsors, including Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-Newton) and Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Salem).

The bill would give the federal government the authority to add entities to a list of companies of concern. The most recent version of the legislation specifically targets five entities, including WuXi Biologics, a Chinese company constructing a $300-million, 189,500-square-foot biomanufacturing facility in Worcester expected to be operational in 2025. The City of Worcester had reported a pause of construction at the site, although work appears to be continuing.