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Updated: December 12, 2022 10 things

10 Things I wish I knew ... When I graduated 10 years ago

10) There’s no shame in moving back home. This is a huge privilege I recognize and am grateful to have. Housing is expensive and definitely not something school prepares us for. 

Kimberly Driscoll is the director of special projects for the Worcester JCC and the president of the Young Professional Women’s Association of Worcester. Reach her at

9) Consider waiting to attend grad school. Do I feel my master’s degree has helped me progress in my professional development? Not really. I have yet to work a job that pays me more than what I’m paying for the degree, and I’ve had coworkers who made more than me who only had an undergraduate degree.

8) Get smart about your money. Make a budget. Open a retirement account. Take the employer match. Pay off your debt.

7) Slow down. The #HustleCulture really pushed me to be part of multiple community projects and constantly networking because I thought it was what I had to do. Had I slowed down, I may have realized sooner I didn’t have to do everything.

6) A smaller friend group usually means stronger friendships. You’re not meant to be friends with everyone you meet. You’re meant to have deep connections with those who share similar interests and who have a genuine care for each other.

5) You don’t have to get a job aligning with your major. My career path is the squiggly chart in the meme comparing what you think your career growth will be versus what it actually is.

4) Stay connected with professors and past employers. It works to keep in touch with those who have seen you in a work setting, so they can vouch for you.

3) Read through, understand, and take advantage of all your job’s benefits. Set aside time to read through all the documents carefully. You may find perks like reimbursements with your insurances.

2) Throw away all the things. What I learned the most from my many moves after college was I was holding on to too many things serving no purpose, or I was too emotionally attached. Once it was gone, so was a good amount of my stress.

1) But, do not throw away your shot! Most of the time, the thing that stops you from doing what makes you happy is you. You’re allowed to take control of your life and do whatever it is you want to do.

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December 24, 2022

Great job Kim … your article was succinct, well written, and serves any young professional with excellent advice as they move forward in their educational goals. Wishing you continued success in your professional and social endeavors in 2023. Betty Z

December 20, 2022

Love this list, Kim. Give yourself permission to slow down and make well-considered moves; optimize your resources and opportunities; let go of fear to pursue what you love - great advice for recent grads, and experienced professionals too!

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