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July 19, 2019 101

101: Difficult clients

Lack of appreciation, unrealistic expectations and a creeping scope of work … difficult clients are challenging. Here are ways to lower stress on both sides and heighten the quality of these business-client relationships. Because as’s Jason Aten points out, “No matter what happens with a customer, even if it's not your fault, it's always your problem.”

Document everything, says’s Abhinav Marla, including conversations. “Use a strong project communication tool to record and summarize … if you’ve agreed to a particular strategy over the phone, head straight to your project software and update it with dates and agreed actions,” she writes. So many project difficulties trace back to miscommunication regarding what was done versus what the client thought you should be doing.
Use reflective listening. Saying “I understand …” doesn’t make a client feel better, according to Meg Prater, Hubspot, and doesn’t lead to a satisfactory outcome. She suggests you interpret what they are saying and repeat it back, giving this example: Customer: “I’m frustrated because we have a limited budget, and you’re unwilling to offer us a discount.” Manager: “So, what I’m hearing is that our pricing is a barrier for your business. Your budget is tight, and I’m not offering a discount that meets your needs. Is that correct?”
Take one for the team. Ask yourself what will make the customer happy, says Aten, of, a business coach. If it involves acknowledging a misunderstanding and making it right, it can pay off. “I find that when I swallow my pride, give a sincere apology, and focus on how to make it a win for the client, I come out far ahead,” he said. “It’s in the most difficult times that we have the opportunity to create customers for life. We have the chance to do something unexpected that causes our clients to feel valued.”

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