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October 25, 2023

Boston Scientific study uses electronic medical records to study blood clots in lungs

A building with blue tinted windows sits behind a patio with chairs and umbrellas. Photo | Courtesy Boston Scientific Boston Scientific headquarters, Marlborough

Boston Scientific, a Marlborough-based biomedical life sciences firm, is using electronic health records from 80 million U.S. patients to inform a new study into pulmonary embolism.

PE is a cardiovascular concern wherein a blood clot stops flow to the lungs and is the third-leading cause of cardiovascular deaths in the U.S., according to a Tuesday press release from Boston Scientific. The EHR study uses data points from records to fill existing gaps in pulmonary embolism research.

This is a first-of-its-kind study, according to Boston Scientific. In the past, research into PE has required clinical trial data, which excludes some outlier patients and takes years to complete.

The EHR data allows for analysis of patients with comorbidities that would preclude them from inclusion in clinical trials and will bring in patient data from more demographic backgrounds. 

The study looks at patient response to Boston Scientific’s EKOS Endovascular System PE treatment, which uses low-dose drugs and ultrasound to break up blood clots. EKOS was approved for PE treatment in 2014.

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