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May 6, 2020

Exhibit 'A' Brewing expanding into Maine

Photo | Google Exhibit 'A' Brewing Co. in Framingham
Photo | Courtesy of Exhibit 'A' Exhibit 'A' Brewing Co. in Framingham

Exhibit 'A' Brewing Co. in Framingham is expanding into Maine, the fourth state the brewer is now distributing outside Massachusetts.

Exhibit 'A' has signed with Craft Maine Distributors to sell its beer in the Portland area and elsewhere in southern Maine. The brewery already distributes in Rhode Island, Vermont and the New York City area.

The brewery, which opened in 2016, was named the most underrated brewery in Massachusetts for 2019 by travel website Thrillist, and winner of the state's best new brewer in 2017 by the international website RateBeer.

Kelsey Roth, the general manager for Exhibit 'A,' said its distribution network has been keeping business going during coronavirus-related restrictions and curbside sales have been better than anticipated.

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