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April 18, 2013

Mass. Loses Jobs, Yet Jobless Rate Falls To 6.4%

Massachusetts lost 5,500 jobs in March, but the Bay State's unemployment rate edged downward to 6.4 percent, state labor officials said.

Despite the drop in March, Massachusetts saw a net gain of 12,600 over the first three months of the year, officials said. The jobless rate, which dropped by 0.1 percent from February, fell by 0.2 percent from the March 2012 rate of 6.6 percent.

Of the 10 employment sectors the state measures, only two - education and health services, as well as leisure and hospitality – gained jobs in March, picking up 2,200 and 300, respectively. All other categories were down, led by professional, scientific and business services, which lost 3,400 jobs.

From March 2012 through last month, the Bay State added 40,300 jobs, 37,300 of which were in the private sector, officials said.

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