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October 24, 2011

WBJ Talk Back


In an online report (Oct. 12) about an increase in optimism among leaders of small businesses, an economist’s suggestion that consumers should spend more brought out this reaction from an online reader:

 "How do you propose to increase consumer spending? … Ninety percent of the workforce is employed. Why don’t they spend more? Because if they make less than $250,000 a year, they are afraid to spend, just like their banks and their businesses: cash rich but scared of losing their remaining ‘rainy day’ funds."

Online Reader charley matera


On our Linkedin discussion page, we asked for reader reaction on the death of Steve Jobs. We received this thoughtful tribute:

"I reviewed the list of products I have purchased from Apple over the years and had to smile. I can recall the excitement and thrill of feeling (that) I was getting the latest and greatest thing ever — yet also a small sense of dread there would always be a new and improved model in the works. With Steve Jobs at Apple, you knew, you had more to look forward to."

LinkedIn Group Member Kelly Marcimo

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