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  • Crompton Collective owner to open new Canal District store

    Sarah Connell Sanders

    Sol Rune is the fifth small business in Chase’s retail portfolio, which includes Crompton Collective, a boutique marketplace in the Canal District, as well as three Massachusetts locations of The Haberdash, a women’s clothing and gift shop.

  • Advice

    Battery storage issues ignite conflict

    Amanda Zuretti

    Massachusetts’ ambitious green energy initiatives are making some local officials see red. 

  • Advice

    4 Things I know about … Driving consumer goods sales

    Brittany Wong

    In 2023, retail sales increased 5.6%. Retail and e-commerce have changed a lot in the last five years, but companies have plenty of opporunities to gain market share

  • Advice

    101: Achieving work-life balance

    Sloane M. Perron

    Through prioritizing, setting realistic expectations, and implementing changes, you can take the first steps to achieving balance.

  • Editorial

    Editorial: Population central

    The U.S. Census Bureau's mid-May release of city and county populations for 2023 prove Central Massachusetts – particularly Worcester – is an increasingly popular place.

  • Opinion

    Viewpoint: Why women mentors should pick male mentees

    Connie Askin

    A female mentor may both wield skills differently than men and may be more likely to invest in their mentee’s development.

  • Opinion

    A Thousand Words: Saint Vincent's labor troubles

    Ramón L. Sandoval

    Saint Vincent Hospital of Worcester continues to be embroiled in contentious litigation and negotiations stemming from accusations from employees claiming unsafe working conditions and unfair treatment.

  • Editorial

    From the Editor: Climate change is coming for us all

    For this edition’s Focus on Energy & Sustainability, WBJ’s articles examine alternative ways of doing things, where the health of the planet is a top priority.

  • Movers & Shakers
    Movers & Shakers

    Movers & Shakers for May 27, 2024

    Employees at Bowditch & Dewey, Leominster Credit Union, and JNP Coffee are making upward moves.

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Today's Poll

Should the U.S. government ban federal funding and American cooperation with WuXi Biologics and other biotech companies who allegedly have close ties to foreign adversaries?
Poll Description

The BIOSECURE Act, a bipartisan piece of federal legislation under consideration by Congress, would cut off federal funding for biotech companies with close ties to governments considered to be foreign adversaries, including China. The legislation would require American companies to terminate any outsourcing agreements or equipment contracts with foreign companies deemed to be security risks.

Supporters of the legislation in Congress argue that biotech companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party or military pose a national security risk, expressing concern about foreign adversaries having the potential to disrupt supply chains or have access to Americans’ genetic data. Some in the life science industry have expressed concerns about the potential disruptful impact of this legislation.  

The House bill currently has ten co-sponsors, including Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-Newton) and Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Salem).

The bill would give the federal government the authority to add entities to a list of companies of concern. The most recent version of the legislation specifically targets five entities, including WuXi Biologics, a Chinese company constructing a $300-million, 189,500-square-foot biomanufacturing facility in Worcester expected to be operational in 2025. The City of Worcester had reported a pause of construction at the site, although work appears to be continuing.