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April 25, 2011

Briefing: Commonwealth Care Savings



In the face of health costs that seem to be constantly shooting up for almost everyone, the state recently announced that it expects to save $80 million on its Commonwealth Care program, allowing it to level-fund the program even as more people sign on to it.

How is the program saving money?

The insurance carriers that provide coverage through the program offered bids that are 5 percent lower than this year’s, according to Gov. Deval Patrick’s office. The administration says the carriers are achieving the savings through negotiations of new contracts with health care providers, limited network plans and new medical management programs.

How much is Commonwealth Care growing?

The administration says it’s expected to grow from 158,000 to 175,000 participants over the next year, mainly due to people falling off the unemployment rolls and losing the associated coverage.

What is Commonwealth Care anyway?

The program was created as part of the state’s 2006 health care reform law. It offers subsidized care for people who make less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level, with premiums on a sliding scale.

How will enrollees be affected?

The Patrick Administration promises there will be only small, cost-neutral changes to co-pays. Members who opt for the cheapest plans will keep their premiums at 2008 levels. However, the limited network plans restrict which hospitals program participants can use. For example, according to the Boston Globe, one plan makes patients choose from 40 percent of the state’s hospitals, eliminating coverage for big-name institutions and encouraging patients to use community health centers.

Do Commonwealth Care members get good care?

A state survey of members found that more than eighty percent of the program’s members say they’re satisfied with their coverage, and 63 percent say their premiums are reasonable.

How much does Commonwealth Care cost?

It’s funded at $822 million for the current fiscal year. Under the governor’s budget, it would stay the same in fiscal 2012, which starts July 1.


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