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August 14, 2012

Hopkinton Offers EMC $485K Break In Sewer Fees

EMC Corp.'s corporate headquarters in Hopkinton.

After seeking $5.6 million in abatements from sewer infrastructure charges from the Town of Hopkinton, data storage giant EMC Corp. has been offered $485,000 in discounts from the town.

At a meeting on Monday night, the board of selectmen agreed to reduce assessments on properties on South Street, which includes the company's headquarters at 176 South St. The properties are connected to EMC's own wastewater treatment facility.

Town Manager Norman Khumalo said the board immediately threw out requests on 13 of 29 properties because EMC had filed for abatements on them after the deadline. He said the board voted to decrease EMC's charges by $485,000 because it was about the same amount that the company had invested in the town's expanded wastewater treatment plant project involving connections to Milford and a new Fruit Street treatment facility.

"I think the board felt that this was a very fair offer and that it was consistent with the board's review of other sewer abatement requests," Khumalo said.

He said both the town and EMC must sign the agreement.

The company was seeking abatements on the properties for reasons that included being "double charged" for using both Milford and Fruit Street infrustructure, though it couldn't use them both at once, and being charged for using the Fruit Street plant when it could use the Milford connection, which would cost less.

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