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March 30, 2009

WBJ Talk Back, March 30 , 2009

“Welcome to America! The land of the FREE! We will educate you so you can take the education and technology back to your own country leaving our own children and ourselves with no jobs.”

Mary Bendix on a breaking news that a company plans to establish a prep school for Chinese students in Marlborough.

“Asking the appropriate type of questions, paraphrasing (both in the logical and emotional areas) and agreeing on the next steps are key steps in developing your staff and gaining their loyalty.”

Shari Frisinger on a how-to article in the Worcester Business Journal outlining tips for effective communication.

“I think you should let your readers know that the Obama Administration asked Chris Dodd to include the provision allowing bonuses for AIG execs. Perhaps the outrage is misdirected or perhaps our elected officials should do a better job of explaining why they wanted to give the bonuses in the first place.”

Roberta Schafer of the WBJ’s online reader poll asking whether AIG execs deserved bonuses.

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