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October 28, 2013

10 Things I Know About ... Sustainability


10. What It Does
Sustainability helps reduce energy consumption, conserve water, minimize waste and pollution to reduce your operating costs, and attract and retain not only customers, but the best and brightest employees.

9. How It Can Cut Costs …  
You can save money by reducing paper usage, recycling and reducing trash, buying greener supplies, encouraging employees to turn off computers and lights and turning down air conditioning or heat when it’s not needed.

8. … Especially Energy Costs.
National Grid offers a comprehensive program for small businesses to increase energy efficiency and reduce costs. It pays 70 percent of the installation cost of energy-efficient equipment and you can finance the rest interest-free for up to 24 months.

7. Consumers Prefer Buying ‘Green.’
A survey, conducted in 2012, found that 40 percent of Americans buy products based on the social, political and environmental values of the companies that sell them.

6. It Helps Attract and Retain the Best.
Implementing basic changes in your business can help you attract and retain the best and brightest.

5. Savings Can Be Long-Term
Cutting costs by reducing waste, conserving natural resources and energy, and reducing waste disposal costs can help hedge against increased disposal costs in the future.

4. You Don’t Have to Look Far for Examples.
Worcester is one of the greenest cities in America. Check out the many programs available to help businesses, at

3. Learn More from MassSave.
The nonprofit organization offers rebates, incentives and financing options for businesses.

2. Look to the Sun.
Solar energy costs have come down significantly during the past five years with payback periods of as little as five years.

1. Natural Gas Rules on Costs.
Natural gas now costs 80 percent less than oil for heating and commercial fleets, according to the American Enterprise Institute.

Will O’Brien is a visiting lecturer at Clark University’s Graduate School of Business and director of its Central Sustainable Business Leader Program.

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10 Things I Know About ... Retaining Employees

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