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October 11, 2010

WBJ Talk Back In The Oct. 11, 2010 Issue

“U.S. LNG import terminals on average are operating at a mere 10% of capacity — including the two new terminals offshore from Gloucester…Weaver’s Cove Energy is a surplus LNG project with considerable liability to the public.”

LNGTSS on a letter to the editor from Weaver’s Cove Energy about a proposed LNG terminal in Fall River.

“Let’s face it, you wouldn’t go to a business meeting in your swim suit. Why would you network in business social relationship sites with an incomplete profile?”

wendysoucie responding to a Digital Diva column about social media for manufacturers.

“Saltus Press was started by my great-great grandfather, Freeman Michael Saltus. It’s sad to see it closing after so many years. Best wishes to all its employees. I am sorry to see economic conditions take down a long-standing Worcester business.”

mhtims on the closure of Worcester-based Saltus Press.

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